Friday, 24 February 2012

If I were the boss?

Ok…. Apparently they say that a boss should possess the following qualities.
Ø  Good Listener
Ø  The Blame Stops Here
Ø  Get his/her Hands Dirty
Ø  Mentor
Ø  Good Communicator
Ø  Present good morale
Ø  Provides work resources
Ø  Must always be alert on what's going on in the company
Ø  Recognizes Employees
Ø  Must have mutual understanding with employees
….a boss is an employer or a supervisor or someone who makes decisions or exercises authority. I’ve seen the boss's job and for now, I can say I don’t want it just yet. Responsibilities, responsibilities and more responsibilities. No Thank you!!

If I were the boss…
Work wouldn’t start at 8 like most jobs!
Work would start on Tuesday and end on Thursday
All working days would be half days
I would hire smart and hot guys only
I would know how it feels to work on budget, so I’d give my hot employees a raise of 1000000 Zim Dollars.
But since I’m not a boss yet, I will settle for xxxx

What is the pleasure of revenge?

We all know that revenge is the action of hurting or harming someone in return for an injury or wrong suffered at their hands. It is difficult not to be overwhelmed with feelings of hate and revenge when someone has done you wrong.
It is very easy to say that there is nothing wrong with being wrong!! Why revenge is sweet? The feeling of revenge after someone has betrayed or hurts you beyond an insane person’s comprehension is damn sweet. I’ve felt the feeling of sweet revenge when I watched the movies ‘’Law Abiding Citizen’’ and ‘’Spit on Your Grave’’. But then what after revenge?
To forgive, in truth, is to let someone off the hook for doing something that hurts you in some way or another. Not giving them the time and effort.
To justify the unwillingness to forgive one could say that, by being the bigger person it means you are turning the other cheek. How many times does one need to turn the cheek when you only have two cheeks? How many times should a person get away with hurting a person?
Well, if you believe in karma like I do, then a person will get what they deserve anyway. Or if you don’t believe in that, then think of it this way, if you do something back, then that guy can always turn around and say, "Yeah, well s/he did this to me too!"
So by not getting revenge, you look like the better person, which will drive the person even crazier. Besides that, revenge is wrong because the person isn't even worth your time, and who wants to go through all that trouble of revenge for someone you hate?
So what is the point of revenge? Because no matter what you do it doesn’t and will never change what they’ve done to you.  You cannot make someone see things the way you see them. If you drop a brick on your ex-husband's Ferrari, all he will see is his baby broken into bits and he will feel sorry for himself. He will not necessarily understand and apologise for the pain and suffering he put you through.

Friday, 17 February 2012

MONEY still talks in Public Hospitals

A hospital (both private and public) is supposed to be a health care institution providing patient’s treatment by specialised staff and equipment. I’m sure we would all like to believe that all or at least most hospitals are largely staffed by professional and competent physicians, surgeons, and nurses. But is this the case in Public Hospitals?
The government knows that the nurses in public hospitals are overworked due to ever increasing number of patients, salaries don't match the workload and the budget given to purchase supplies is not enough and that affects the quality of care provided by government nurses amongst other issues.
Are these enough reasons for health care facilities to be dirty and unhygienic? Does it give the nurses the right to laze around whilst people are dying because salaries don't match the workload? Do patients deserve to be treated badly because they can't afford private hospitals?
I ask myself, why did these doctors’ and nurses study to help people, only to get there and not? Are people’s lives worth playing the blame game between the government and public hospital staff?  

Valentine’s Day for What?

Yes i know it has passed..... But I have concluded that I am the wrong audience for Valentine’s Day! What and who is Valentine/s. I have heard and seen couples celebrate this day. But do most know where and when it even began? Or even take a second to think why they wait a whole full year to show love and appreciation to their significant others.
Do couples need the pressure of finding yet another "perfect" present for the partner in their lives? Is it still special when there are obligations to the day because it is commercialised? What about the women in tears because they didn’t get flowers, gifts or taken out for dinner? After all, it is the day of love. I'm in tears for some who only get the "special" treatment only once a year? Does it mean that when V-day is over one should stop being appreciated? When something is unexpected is it not more appreciated and extra special?                                 
I personally feel that I have a lot of love in my life every day and the one token “romantic” day that I celebrate is the anniversary because it is a day we own, meaningful and indicate the beginning of something beautiful and deep to both. Not to say every other day is not special.

Everyday should then be Valentines since Valentines meant love and love is an action word to "do" things for a person. So I suggest if you love a person it should not have any especial commercialised date in the year but should be every day.

Two people come out of a building and into a story

Mandleni had decided to take his high school sweetheart Nontyatyambo to his home in Cape Town for the first time. They have both never met each other’s parents because they met in the Eastern Cape at a boarding school. After high school Mandleni went to study in Johannesburg and Nontyatyambo went to study in Durban. For 4 years after high school they had been in a long distance relationship, until Nontyatyambo moved to Johannesburg, after she had graduated at the university and went to live with Mandleni.

They went to Mandlenis parents’ house in Cape Town for a Christmas lunch. Madleni was very nervous about his parents meeting his girlfriend, whom they had only been hearing about for years. Fortunately the Christmas dinner very well and the parents loved Nontyatyambo from the word go. After the parents getting to know Nontyatyambo better, a discovery was made.....

Mandleni and Nontyatyambo went to the Christmas lunch as a couple and walked out as brother and sister.

How hard is it to follow instructions?

Following instructions sometimes seems like it is the hardest thing in the world. There are different reasons why it is hard to follow instructions for each situation. It could be because the instructions given don't make sense, they are in a different language or perhaps a person was not listening when the person was giving them.
I know for me it's more of, If you're telling me how to do something or how to get somewhere I can follow directions, but if it's just arbitrary "these are the rules because so and so said" I don't pay attention. I could, but I won't because I don't like taking orders from the next person, unless they are beneficial to me. Sometimes I think it also depends on what the instructions are and who is giving them. If a person doesn't respect the source of them, or the reason behind them, then the likeliness of them being followed is low.
Is it really hard to follow instructions? Probably not, if one is given the opportunity to use their own ideas, opinions or thoughts on how to solve a problem or to work on a project. Because really no one likes following instructions.
Sometimes following instructions means not taking initiative and think critically as an individual. Each one of us need some room for our personal freedom, thoughts and creativity. Otherwise there would be no learning, no progress and no development in our world.