Friday, 18 May 2012

Every day is a good day

Andiswa Dlokolo
Every day is different
Every day is yesterday’s future
Every day I live
Every day I’m grateful
Every day reflect on yesterday
Every day I look forward to something new
Every day I have different expectations of what it could be
Every day I learn something new
Every day I look forward to tomorrow
Every day has its own challenges
Every day I love
Every day I remember
Every day I look for new ways to improve
Every day I believe

…… and all these make my everyday a GOOD DAYJ

Our greatest strengths are our greatest weaknesses


Often it is seen that when people have a certain amount of power they don’t always use it in the most positive way. Take the police for instance.

They have the power and the authority to protect the public and confiscate illegal substances from people who are committing a crime.

But you will find that some of them use that power to their own advantage, buy selling the confiscated items instead of reporting and destroying them. Some even go as far as to make false arrests in order to get bribes.

If their greatest strength is not maintained and used in a positive way it becomes their greatest weakness and affects the society.

Try a cliché

We know that clichés are simply “unoriginal ideas” but if you dismiss things immediately if they sound like a cliché, you might be missing some great possibilities in life.

People always say you need to be original, innovative and always think out the box. But in some situations that effort is not required. There students at tech who work and study, but still have families and children to take care of. They took the decision to go and study with their plates filled with responsibilities as it is, but they are studying for a better future for themselves and their families. There are times where these students feel that all this is too much but they know that it is for the best. These students are dedicated; they sacrifice and are patient because they know that “Hard work pays off in the end”.

Feelings follow behaviour

The words 'feelings' and 'behaviour' follow one another. It is just a matter of which one will follow the other one first. Both these words play a major role in life. Feelings and behaviour can tell us more about people than words.
Actions talk, and through actions we see feelings and the way we act, is the way we behave. We can not always control our feelings, but I believe we can control our behaviour. It is not bad to let your feelings follow behaviour, but we must make sure we are always in control of our actions. By changing the way you think, you can change the way you act.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Constructive criticism

“Constructive criticism is criticism kindly meant that has a goal of improving some area of another’s person’s life or work.”
It took me a while to understand that “Criticism” doesn’t have to be a bad word. For example, for Research Methodology we are working on a thesis that will take the whole year to complete. While working on this thesis, we need to constantly consult with the lecturer for guidance and “criticism”. We submit sections at the end of each term and the lecturer then gives us feedback. She gives valuable insight into how we can improve the thesis for the next sections of the thesis. After the lecturer weighs the importance or usefulness of the feedback, we are able to rewrite or revise the thesis to make it better for the final presentation at the end of the year.

Being given constructive criticism helps me to see things in a different light, or to notice something that I hadn't thought about before. Receiving constructive criticism makes me want to learn more, it motivates me and makes me want to improve on what I’m being criticized on.
So whenever I am asked to give feedback on something, I try very hard to be as constructive as possible and this also forces me to think about what it is I'm going to be giving feedback on.

Rejection is always a possibility

Imagine if author J.K. Rowling hadn't kept trying with publisher after publisher when Harry Potter was rejected. We would all have missed out on a great adventure. Life is about taking risks and having to ask at times. And when we do, rejection is always a possibility.
Everyday situations can lead to feelings of rejection. Feeling rejected is the opposite of feeling accepted. But being rejected (and we all will be at times) doesn't mean someone isn't liked, valued, or important. It just means that one time, in one situation, with one person, things didn't work out. Believe me I have had to learn this the hard way.
Rejection hurts. But it's impossible to avoid it altogether. In fact, you don't want to. People who become too afraid of rejection might hold back from going after something they want. You avoid rejection, but you are also 100% guaranteed to miss out on what you want but won't attempt for.
So my advice is, learn from rejection. When you are afraid to ask, just picture the benefits. Don’t be afraid of rejection because the worst thing that can happen is “NO”.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

It is better to practice a little than to talk a lot

In most cases “Talk is cheap” and I agree. Many who talk do it only for the attention and no action is ever seen. In today’s day and age people are so comfortable in doing things to please other people. Take virgins for instance, they talk a hell of a lot and have way too many opinions and “facts” about sex like they know what they are talking about. All talk and no action. And that is ok!!
Virgins won’t lose their quality of life because they don’t walk the talk. They can’t be missing anything because they cannot miss what they have never had. So in this case I say “a thousand words are worth much more than one action”. It’s ok to talk a lot and practice a little.

Wedding cake in the middle of the road

Why and how on earth would a wedding cake find itself in the middle of the road? I know, maybe because it is running away from the many people who are going to eat it after the wedding ceremony. A wedding cake has feelings too you know. All that effort put into making it look so tall and pretty. To end up being sliced up and eaten faster than the time was used to make it.