Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Bad Habits

I’ve heard many theories on how to break them but frankly none of them have worked. As much as taking someone’s advice is usually the noble thing to do, in instances such as these it’s by far the worst thing I could do to myself.

They say one never really gets over an addiction; they merely replace it with another less destructive one. What does one do when you get told you’re a bad habit? Try to change that? Can you tell if you are someone’s bad habit or you’ve gotten so used to a way of living that it has now become the common practice in all or one of your relationships? I think it’s that 4 letter L-word which distorted things in such a way that we find it hard to be ‘normal’ if there is such a thing. The irony of it all though is that the bad habits have the ability to make us feel so good, now isn’t that something. Mother Nature has a twisted sense of humour if u ask me

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